
Out Terroir

Las Barrancas is located in Mendoza, in the Maipú district, within the Mendoza River plateau, an impressive place, with top quality soils, ideal climate and surroundings. In the area, at about 750 meters above sea level, more than 220 hectares belong to Pascual Toso.

It is a heterogeneous terroir, an irregular terrain that descends 7 meters and where there are both soils with bare rock where the grapes grow to a superb quality, as well as deeper soils with green cover.

Las Barrancas has excellent climatic conditions for agriculture, with warm days and cool nights and a relatively low humidity, which translates into vineyards with excellent quality fruit and health.
The irrigation water comes from the snows of the Andes Mountains and descends through the main river of the region: the Mendoza River.

Organic matter is very scarce due to the rapid decomposition suffered by the lack of rain and intense cultural activity. Although the soils are of similar origin, various textures can be found in small areas.