
Oenologists who know

Our oenology team are incredibly important; they work with the vines to produce grapes that are a great representation of the terroir. From the manager of the vineyard to our winemaker Rodrigo Manuel Romero, they all share the same passion, commitment and devotion to making uniquely unforgettable wines.

Paul Hobbs

Estamos orgullosos de contar con la sabiduría y el refinamiento de nuestro consultor internacional de vinos, Paul Hobbs, reconocido enólogo californiano. Él nos permite sumar jerarquía, personalidad y distinción a nuestros vinos Premium.

Rodrigo Manuel Romero - First Oenologist

Rodrigo has more than 20 years of experience in the wine industry and managing vineyards. He Graduated in Oenology from the Don Bosco Faculty of Oenology and Fruit and Vegetable Industry, and since 2005 he has worked as First Oenologist at the Pascual Toso winery developing high-end cuts, always advised by the world renowned Paul Hobbs, our consultant winemaker.

Gisella París - Oenologist

Gisella was born on August 20, 1985 in Mendoza. She has worked professionally for more than 18 years in renowned wineries in the region. Since 2016, she has been part of the Pascual Toso staff, and is in charge of the development and innovation of the Estate line and most of the white wine blends.

Dino Lucentini - Oenologist

Dino comes from a family of winegrowers, so he has developed a great passion for winemaking throughout his life. He has a degree in Oenology and Fruit and Vegetable Industry from the Juan Agustín Maza University, “Don Bosco” Technological Faculty. He has extensive experience in various renowned wineries in the region, and has been part of the Pascual Toso team for 16 years. He currently works as First Winemaker of base and sparkling wines in our winery.

Gabriel Abrahan - Oenologist

Gabriel has more than 10 years’ experience in the wine industry in the Mendoza region. By profession, he is a Technician in Oenology and Fruit and Vegetable Industries, graduating from the Don Bosco Higher Institute in the city of Mendoza. He is currently working on the production of base and sparkling wines in our winery.